365 days........

of living, laughing and learning

Monday, March 22, 2010

334. Bath time....

I guess like any mom I love a big smile....unfortunately it's so hard to get one with my camera from her. Normally when she takes a bath she's in a n excellent mood and it's a great time to try. I was lucky and got this...it doesn't get any bigger than this:)

A little more serous, but still ok.
Now, this is the faces I see often. What's up with this serious face? I didn't expect to see so many of these until she was a teenager:)
On a side note....when I picked her up from daycare today she told me she's a super spy. She got to be a good one because neither Maurice or I realized that she even was a super spy:) Her exact words were: "Mamma, I'm a happy super spy". She cracks me up.


Natalie March 23, 2010 at 7:00 AM  

Is it horrible that I LOVE that second one?

Kristie March 23, 2010 at 8:32 AM  

Ha! Taylor is a Star Wars Clone Trooper! Wonder what a Clone Trooper and a Super Spy could accomplish together?!

Anette March 23, 2010 at 8:20 PM  

No Natalie, I like the second one too. Not too serious and not to much of a smile:)

Kristie...I don't know, I can only imagine:) Anyway, we need to get them together soon.

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