365 days........

of living, laughing and learning

Sunday, May 31, 2009

69. Bubbles.....

I blow bubbles.

Pappa and I blow bubbles.

Pappa blows bubbles on me.
Jeg blaser bobbler. Pappa og jeg blaser bobbler sammen. Pappa blaser bobbler pa meg.

68. In the mirror....

Saturday May, 30, 2009
Me. We had to stop at a gas station while driving to Annistion so I took a picture in the mirror.


Saturday May 30, 2009
Sunglasses. This was taken while driving. The sunglasses are not shiny but they became like this when the sun was shining on them.

Friday, May 29, 2009

67. Newspaper....

Oh, a newspaper.

I got to take a closer look at it.

Here you go mamma. I don't care that the newspaper belongs to the neighbor. They should have put it up if they didn't want me to get it.

En avis. Jeg ma se litt naermere pa den. Her far du den mamma. Jeg bryr meg ikke om at den tilhorer naboen. De skulle ha plukket den opp vist de ikke ville at jeg skulle ta den.


I got to play with mamma's phone again. I enjoyed that!!!

Jeg fikk leke med mamma's mobil igjen. Det likte jeg godt.

This is where.....

Mamma's gift from yesterday came from.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

66. Dog toys......

Is used to get Sofia's attention outside. When they squeak it make her look. I'll do whatever it takes:)

I need to....

Scratch my eye.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

65. Gift.....

This is what I got as a gift from Sofia today. She went over to the empty lot next to us and got them for me. She must really love me:)
Dette var gaven jeg fikk av Sofia i dag. Hun gikk og hentet dem selv. Hun ma vere veldig glad i meg for a gi meg dette:)


Pappa came home while mamma and I was outside and he let me sit on his lap in the driver seat. I really enjoyed that!!!

Pappa kom hjem mens jeg var ute og han lot meg sitte pa fanget i frem sete i bilen. Det likte jeg veldig godt.


My shoes....

Sofia is constantly wanting her shoes off now. Regardless of where we are. It's driving me nuts!!!! At least she's not crying while trying to take them off in these pictures.

Sofia vil ta av seg skoene sine hele tiden na. Hun bryr seg ikke om hun er inne eller ute. Det driver meg til vannvidd. Heldigvis sa griner hun ikke mens hun prover a ta dem av pa disse bildene.


Heather (on the right), Nicole (middle), Kristine (middle), and I (left) went to the hotel by our house for drinks last night. It was really nice to get out of the house for some girl time. I need to do that more often. Anyway, here we are.

This picture was taken on auto with on board flash by someone that just walked by. It's a little out of focus and have some other issues, but I thought it was cute.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

64. Downtown....

Monday, May 25, 2009

63. A walk....

Downtown. We went downtown today to look at some different places to take pictures. I did a lot of walking and I was really good. Both mamma and pappa was very happy with me. Mamma took a lot of pictures and she will post some today and some tomorrow since she took so many.

Vi gikk pa tur i downtown i dag for a se om de hadde noen gode plasser og ta bilder. Sofia var veldig flink og bade mamma og pappa var veldig fornoyde med oppforselen. Jeg tok mange bilde og kommer til a poste noen i dag og noen i morgen fordi det var sa mange.


These were some of the doors I was interested in today. (I tried a little different processing on these. I'm not sure if I like it).

Dette var noen av dorene jeg sag i dag som jeg var interesert i.


We saw this window downtown.

Daddy and I......


Brianna was such a great model. She probably jumped 5 times for me. This was my favorite jumping shot of her.


Yesterday I got to hang out with Brianna. She is just so fun and she loves to pose!!!! We walked her dog and ended up at the middle school where we stopped to take some pictures. I think they turned out so cute and they capture personality. Thank you Brianna for letting me hang out with your.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

62. Mirror....

Me. The picture is taken in the passenger seat mirror while driving.

It's pretty hard to get a picture of myself in the car mirror.

Meg. Bildet er tatt i bil speilet mens vi kjorer. Det var ganske vaskeligt a fa meg i speilet uten a fa kameraet med pa bildet.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

61. Tight head shots.....

I didn't check my iso today and it was at 2000. I should have checked it and lowered it!!!!! The tilt is a little weird but I still like how the picture came out with her reflection on the floor.
Just a head shot because I like the eye contact she gave me. Iso was 2000 on this one too. I don't understand how I forgot to change it. Well, well.

Friday, May 22, 2009

60. Champagne.....

I have made it for 60 days!!!!!!

Actually this champagne was left from last weekend when we had our anniversary, but I am happy I made it for this long. I'm doing well with the postings. Do you think I'm improving with my photography?

I got to go to.......

The park today. There I got to swing alone.

And with my pappa.
Jeg fikk ga i parken i dag og der fikk jeg foyse alene og med pappa.

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