365 days........

of living, laughing and learning

Friday, July 31, 2009

133. Serious Girl......

(Know that her hair is blown, but I still like her look. She's at times a serious girl and this captures that. The bw conversion is a little darker than I normally do, but I think it fit the look) .


Resting on a chair from running around the kitchen. I've almost been inside the whole day today and I want to go outside.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

132. Curls....

I love her curls. When she has taken a bath and not rolled around on the ground her curls are perfect!!! She is serious here, but so cute.

Focusing on a puzzle before bed.

(Taken inside with my speedlight bounced on the wall behind me)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

131. Cherries....

Tuesday July 28, 2009

We bought some cherries today. They were really sweet but very messy.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I just realized that.....

I my color profile in photoshop was set wrong and that's why my colored photos looks so bad on my blog versus in photoshop. I could not figure out why I had such hard time with Sofia's skin tones looking off on my blog but really good in photoshop. Ahhh, why didn't I discover this before!!! Ahh, I'm so glad I realised it:) Hopefully I will like my color pictures more now!!!! I'm not fixing my old ones, but I will definitely make sure I have it right from now on.

130. Bath tub....

This is something Sofia loves to do while taking a bath. She then kicks her legs as hard as she can so the water splashes everywhere. I don't love that part as much since everything gets wet.

She kept laughing while doing it and I wish she would have had her eyes wide open for the shot, but I still like it.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

129. New shoes that.....

Are too big. Sofia really likes these shoes and gets excited when she sees them. Unfortunately for her they are too big and she need to wait a while before they will fit. I think they are so cute!!!!!

I'm happy....

This is from Friday, but I love when she smiles at me. She hardly ever do that when I have the camera in my hand. I wish she would!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

128. I wonder.....

What people would say if mamma bent over and ended up looking like this at the park?

Daddy and I.....

Going to the park. I let daddy hold my hand because I know it makes him happy.
I love when daddy hold me. I hold him tight with my hand because I love him too.
I just love the way they look at each other.

Friday, July 24, 2009

127. Did you child ever.....

Wear this to the grocery store? Sofia absolutely wanted to wear her goggles to the store today. She got a lot of comments from the other shoppers for it. Do you like it?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

127. Color pencils....

I got to play with my color pencils today. I'm pretty fascinated by them. Norm,ally I only get to draw with crayons so this was something new.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

126. Puzzles.....

Sofia loves to do puzzles now. It's her new hobby. these are some of the looks she has while doing them. As you can see it requires a lot of concentration, but in the end she is all pleased with her self. (She was sitting very close to me and I had no room to back up so I couldn't get more than her face in the frame. It was just beginning to rain so it was pretty dark inside).

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

125. Running to....

Give mamma a hug. Sofia ran up the hill to our garage probably 10 times to give me a hug before she got tired. I wish I had that much energy.

(It was really getting dark and grey like it was going to rain at 5.30pm when we went outside to take this pictures. They are not the best ones, but I love her face and intensity).

Monday, July 20, 2009

124. Socks...

Today I was into putting my socks on my hands. I did this even when I went outside.

(The socks are a little "glowy", but I still thought the picture turned out cute).


Some pictures just because I think she's the cutest girl in the world:)

123. Locked out....

Sunday July 19th, 2009

We have had visitors this whole weekend and when they left we closed the door and one of the kids must have twisted the door lock and we got locked out. Luckily I remembered one number from my phone list and that was Lidija's so we got to hang out with Lidija, Igor and Emma until Maurice came home from work. See, I could not survive without friends!!! Thank you so much Lidija!!!!

122. Baby belly....

Saturday July 18th, 2009

Sofia likes to show us her belly now. It's so cute. Here it is....

121. Something only daddy's does...

Friday July 17th, 2009.

Pretending that I will fall off his back.
(I know that her diaper cover and some other spots are blown, but the sun came out just as I took the picture. It was my only one that captured them doing this so I had to use it).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

120. Sticker....

I went with mamma to the post office today and they gave me a sticker. I am at the age were stickers are so much fun. See, I can stick it on my mouth.
Here you can see that I am smiling behind this sticker. I was amused by this for a little while.
(These were the only pictures I took today. We took them in the car right before it started to rain really hard) .

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

119. Shopping.....

Sofia and I went to Costco today and these are some of the different expressions she gave me while sitting in the buggy while waiting on getting out. She doesn't look too happy in any of these:) I'm wondering if she didn't like Costco too much.

I got a smiley face on my receipt since I had been good in the sore. I lost it for a second but I was able to pick it back up.

Close ups...

I'm not looking at you. You should know by now that I will look at everything else but you.

I want to get out of this shopping cart. If you don't help me I will do it myself. I'm lifting my legg to the top of the cart.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

118. Grocery cart....

When I go to the grocery store I have to drive one of these cars. I just have to! I will cry if I don't get to. I can thank my daddy for introducing me to this. Mamma is not too happy with it because she think the car is so hard to steer. I don't understand this since I'm doing such a great job of steering it for her.
Here I am.

Animal show....

Sofia, Lidija, Emma, Jaki, their friend and I went to an animal show at the library today. Emma and Sofia was not impressed by the animals at all. Sofia liked that the seat bounced back when she touched it much more (like it does at the movie theater).
Here is a picture that I took when the man walked passed us with one of the animals. Maybe next year she will like it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

117. Hanging out by the pool again....

I actually forgot to put my memory card back in my camera last night so when I was ready to take some pictures today I couldn't do it. Anyway, we went to the pool again. It was a bad storm last night but by noon it was nice and a little cloudy. Sofia and I was the only ones at the pool for most of the time and that was nice. Later two older girls came (about 5 and 7) and Sofia was doing whatever she could to gt their attention, but they were not to interested in her. Can you believe that? They were not that into her... She was amazed:)

These were some pictures we took on Friday, but since we did the same thing today I thought it would be ok.

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