365 days........

of living, laughing and learning

Friday, October 29, 2010

452. Monkey....

Yesterday I realized how much I forget about the things Sofia say and it makes me kind of sad. She told Maurice her first made up joke a month or so ago and it was not funny, but she laughed so hard herself. It was so cute, but now I can't remember it any more...it's kind of sad. I decided that I'm going to write down our conversation while I take her picture so at least I will not forget those. She still speak in short sentences so it's not much to write.

Me: can I take a picture of you?
Sofia: Emmm, no.
Me: What about the monkey...can I take a picture of it? (She got to wear her pj's to daycare today because of Halloween).
Sofia: Emmmmmmmmm, sure.
Me: Lay down so I can take it.
Sofia: ok, I lay down for you mamma.
Me: I got it.
Sofia: Can I watch Dora now?
Me: No.
Sofia: why?
Me: Because we are going to play.
Sofia: Nooooo, I want to watch Doooooora. I don't want to play.

I took one of her too even though she has said no:)


Lidija October 30, 2010 at 7:58 AM  

That is such a great idea. You will remember your conversations.

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