437. Grass....
She's still a little sick. Didn't go to daycare today and will stay home tomorrow. Hopefully she will be ok on Saturday. We didn't take any pictures today so these are from last week I think. She's a cutie:)
She's still a little sick. Didn't go to daycare today and will stay home tomorrow. Hopefully she will be ok on Saturday. We didn't take any pictures today so these are from last week I think. She's a cutie:)
Posted by Anette at 8:00 PM 2 comments
Missing my family. Maurice had to go to Anniston today and he had to bring Sofia with him. She's sick with a bad cold and has a temperature. Luckily they are on their way home now and I can see them soon. Sofia will be sleeping and hopefully she will feel better tomorrow.
(These pictures are from when we went to Georgia to visit Mark for his family day since he's in basic training.)
Posted by Anette at 6:05 PM 3 comments
First day with jeans...I can't believe it. After having really warm weather here forever she finally got to war jeans even though she would have been fine with shorts. She hasn't gotten to wear this shirt the whole summer and it still fits. She still loves to wear the hood and almost didn't want to take it off when we went outside. Man, she can be stubborn sometimes.
Posted by Anette at 7:47 PM 3 comments
I took some pictures of Sofia playing this afternoon, but I'm too lazy to take them off the camera so instead I'm posting one that was taken this weekend. The colors are still so pretty out and I'm not looking forward to winter time.
Posted by Anette at 8:11 PM 2 comments
Just one I never got around to post earlier....my normal serious girl:)
Looks good in color too.
Posted by Anette at 3:35 PM 0 comments
I'm just so into laughing pictures right now....I love them!! They make me happy just looking at them and when I catch one one on camera I just have to edit it. I love how she laughs all care free here. It's beautiful to me. (Her skin color is a little too dark and a little off here, but I don't feel like re-editing).
Another big laugh from her. If you know her it's so hard to capture this.
I think she's so photogenic.
Posted by Anette at 7:54 PM 2 comments
Yes, it's 95 degrees here still and we just bought Sofia a new winter hat. She loooooves this hat...used it in the car all the way home and when she got home. I think she looks so cute in it:)
Posted by Anette at 7:35 PM 2 comments
She kept hiding her face, then she ran to me as fast as she could. She's a silly little girl.
I like how she's standing on her toes...so cute:)
Posted by Anette at 7:44 PM 0 comments
I've gotten quite a lot of happy pictures from her lately instead of just the normal super serious. I kind of love that she's giving me some variety.
My super happy girl:)
Posted by Anette at 8:12 PM 1 comments
Sofia got this new drinking bottle for her birthday and she loves to use it when she rides her bike. She makes sure to take several drinking breaks while we ride around the neighborhood.
Posted by Anette at 6:57 PM 0 comments
I love this picture...just love it!!!
Posted some more on my business blog and I think you should look at them:)
Posted by Anette at 6:54 PM 0 comments
I don't know why I didn't share these yet. I really love this location and it looks amazing when it's dark and rainy out. I helps to have a cute model as well:)This is not a flower, but a magic wand...every time I asked her if she liked her flower she kept saying she didn't have a flower only her new magic wand. At least her imagination works well.
Picking of the flowers of the magic wand so it would work better.
Digging in the dirt lead to....
Super dirty hands. I wish I would have had time to get the focs on her hands, but since she was running towards me I didn't react fast enough. I still lieke it though.
Posted by Anette at 10:12 AM 2 comments
I took Sofia out for some pictures this evening. The weather was perfect until 6.30pm except for that is was a little too hot....I did some serious sweating:) Sofia did ok for a little while before we had a big meltdown. The balloon idea is really not mine. I love Jinky Art and I got the idea from her. She's an amazing photographer and I wish I could be her when I grow up...unfortunately that's not going to happen:)
Posted by Anette at 9:02 PM 2 comments
and some messy hair after a long day in daycare.
Posted by Anette at 6:39 PM 0 comments
We celebrated Sofia turning 3 on Saturday and we had a small party since everyone was out of town. Sofia had such a fun time and loved every minute of it. I only took a few snaps during her birthday just to capture some highlights of the day.
She managed to blow out all her candles all by her self.She and her cousin. She looked at how he posed and did the same thing herself. She's a funny little girl:)
Got to open up her presents.
Got some help from some of her guests.
Emme is just really loving our chairs. She's all over them every time she comes to visit. Last time she kept falling down, but this time she was much better.
She kept giving me the serious face.
Posted by Anette at 8:26 PM 2 comments
Sofia has been asking to get a birthday hat every time we have been in the grocery store this past week....tears has been shed in the grocery store when I said no. I have no idea why she really have wanted one since we have not been to many parties where they have been used. Anyway, since her birthday is on Saturday we are bringing cup cakes and party hats to daycare tomorrow and she got to get one out to play with. She wore it for most of the evening.
She was reading her book and pretending to eat cake and blow out candles as she saw the pictures.
Her she's really modeling the hat for me. She wanted to wear it in the bathtub as well, but I had to say no to that.
Posted by Anette at 7:09 PM 1 comments
Sofia asked if I wanted to take some pictures of her today. She actually asked to sit in her little chair and placed it where she wanted it. Then she let me take 5 pictures and here are 4 of them. Got to love how she changed her facial expression in each of them.
Posted by Anette at 7:29 PM 0 comments
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