365 days........

of living, laughing and learning

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

8. I need to get a.....

Cell phone
Today have been a good day. I've been happy for most of the time

Monday, March 30, 2009

7. Today I found.....

A piece of wood.
I need to see if I can pull it apart. Yes I can.
I'll try to hit the ground with it. Yep, I can do that too. This is kind of interesting.

I'm a happy girl.....

I'm pretty busy, but I'll look at you once. I know you have wanted to get a picture of me smiling so I'll do that too, but just this once.
What do you want? Stop asking me to look at you. I'm busy.

( I hate that I cut of her hand and her legs. I need to watch that).

Sunday, March 29, 2009

6. Some of the things I have done today....


Taking a bath

It's been a good day.

This is something I haven't had in a long time.....


When they are just made they are delicious.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

5. Wedding shower.....

We went to a wedding shower tonight and we had a good time. It was very nice to get out of the house after having such a bad day yesterday.

(I know the gift isn't straight. I tried to fix it but I couldn't get it even enough to look good).

Friday, March 27, 2009

4. A really bad day......

Nor little feet or oreo cookies and milk can fix it........
Tomorrow got to be better.
(It's pretty cool how you can get the cookies in focus and not the glass of milk even though they are only a few inches away from each other).

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I need to work on......

Skin tones!!!!! I'm terrible at this. Sofia get a new skin tone for every picture I post. Hm, I need lessons in photoshop. Hopefully in a few months I will look back and laugh at this. If anyone is great at fixing skintones in sc3 please let me know!!!!

3. I found something interesting outside today......

This is what I found when I was outside playing today. I have never seen anything like it. I wonder what I can do with it.

I can hold it in my hand.

I'm wondering if I can put it in my hair? Will it will stay or fall out? I'm going to try.

It stays.

This thing was funny. I need to find other things like it.

(Taken next to a window on the left side).

I dag ettermiddag ble det endeligt en pause i regnet slik at vi fikk ga ut litt. Sofia hadde ikke vert ute i barnehagen sa det var godt at vi hadde litt tid etter jobb. Det var altfor vatt a ga i leke parken sa vi gikk bare over til nabo hagen. Det var der vi fant denne tingen. Jeg aner ikke hva det er men Sofia synest at det var veldig spennende.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2. A serious girl and a head ache......

I'm not as innocent as I look. I just got in trouble for going into the drawer I'm not supposed to.
This is Sofia's serious look. We don't see it too often.
I got this toy for Christmas and amazingly enough it still works.
Maurice came home with a head ache today. I'm wondering if he didn't eat enough for lunch. This was the first thing he asked for when he came home.

These are all done with bounced flash for those that are interested.


It's raining today, supposed to do so for the whole day. I'm not excited. It's so much easier to take the picture outside than inside. By the time I get home from work the lighting will not be great in the house either. Well, I guess I need to bring out my speedlight. Practice is how I get better.


I have now e-mailed 12 people and told one person that I have started this blog. I hope I will keep this up for the next 364 days.......

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

1. What brings me happiness.....baby feet and crazy curls

I love baby feet and now crazy curls. My husband always say "I love Sofia's fat little feet". It makes me smile when he say that.

I used to not like curls, but since my little girl was born and she has lots of curls I have changed my mind. She has wild hair!!! Especially when she comes home from daycare after a day when she has played hard. I just had to take a picture of them.

Føttene og krøllene tilhører Sofia. Jeg må si at jeg synest at de begge er perfekte.

today is the day... March 24, 2009

That I decided to start my own 365 day blog. I am committing myself to post a picture a day every day for the next year...hopefully. If not, I might have to change the title to 52 weeks instead. I know I can do this. This is my new years resolution, starting a little late. My goal is to improve my photography skills as well as documenting parts of my life.

Me, summed up:
My name is Anette
I'm 33
from Karmøy, Norway
now live in Birmingham, Alabama
has a great husband, Maurice
and a 18 month old daughter, Sofia.

I will write some of my posts in English and others in Norwegian.

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