365 days........

of living, laughing and learning

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I need to work on......

Skin tones!!!!! I'm terrible at this. Sofia get a new skin tone for every picture I post. Hm, I need lessons in photoshop. Hopefully in a few months I will look back and laugh at this. If anyone is great at fixing skintones in sc3 please let me know!!!!


907igor March 30, 2009 at 1:19 PM  

I think I can help with CS3. Why don't you and I and Lidija set a photo date like every two weeks, the same we were doing with dinners. I guess everyone got so busy and that will get us back on the track...

Anette March 30, 2009 at 7:11 PM  

Yes, we need to do that. I think that would help me. I am noticing that I am getting a little better, but Sofia's skin is sometimes hard to get right.

907igor April 1, 2009 at 2:14 PM  

You should play with white balance in Camera Raw part of the CS3. You don't have to shoot in RAW or TIFF, plain ol JPEG will do. Then look for the eyedropper tool above the photo and select a neutral gray or white color on the photo and see the result for yourself!

Anette April 1, 2009 at 6:30 PM  

I use lightroom 2 and I play with the white balance there. It helps. I guess it's the same as camera raw. I'm mostly noticing skin problem the times I have used actions, which I don't do much for color pictures. I thing I have a harder time with her skin than mine because it's so golden.
I actually like shooting in Raw so I don't think I will change that unless I just don't want to do any editing. Shooting Raw forces me to use SC3 and I stared using that from the beginning so I am used to it:)
I do need to use the eye dropper in SC3 to check skin values though. I have just began looking into it. Can you do white balance in SC3 with the eye droppers too?

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