505. Big hair....
Some pictures of Sofia on the business blog. This rain is making her hair HUGE:)
Some pictures of Sofia on the business blog. This rain is making her hair HUGE:)
Posted by Anette at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Go outside, but it was raining all day so that was not really an option.
Posted by Anette at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Bubbles this year. It's still one of her favorite things to do. Unfortunately the day this one was taken it was sooooo windy out that she hardly was able to blow any. She got so frustrated.
She wanted me to take a picture of her hair blowing in the wind. At times she couldn't hardly see. Maybe I should have put her hair in a ponytail today:)
Posted by Anette at 6:32 PM 1 comments
I've not posted any pictures for several days now so I'm posting one I already have on my computer. I don't feel like going downstairs to get my camera and upload any new pictures....I'm having a lazy day:)
Posted by Anette at 5:03 PM 1 comments
If you didn't see this session of Sofia and Emma jumping on the bed you totally should....it will make you smile:) Just click the link below and you will see lots of pictures.
Jumping on the bed.
Posted by Anette at 8:50 PM 0 comments
My friend.
This is how Sofia looked when I picked her up at school yesterday....I promise she looked nothing like this when I dropped her off. It was raining so hard the whole day and her teacher said her hair looked like this by 11am. I guess I should have said no when she begged to keep it down:)
Posted by Anette at 7:09 PM 0 comments
I love my little girl's serious look here. (Istill love it even though she has a big blown spot on her chest. I tried to turn her some, but I didn't like the picture as much). I tried to make it a little dreamy is processing and I think it works for this picture.
Posted by Anette at 7:27 PM 0 comments
From my friend made me feel like this....
Posted by Anette at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Ok, I got to admit that I'm the worst vacation photographer there is. I hardly take any pictures...I don't look for interesting things...I seriously just click away. My vacation pictures never look good...never:) Half the time I don't even have my camera. Anyway, I don't know why I didn't post these before. I somehow thought I did, but then when I looked for them today I didn't see them on the blog so I decided to post a few from when my parents visited us this summer and when we went on a cruise with them. It was an awesome vacation I can't wait to see them this summer!!!!
Hazy, backlit pictures are summer to me:)We went on our fist cruise ever and it was amazing!!
She loooved the slize!!
First time she really liked ice cream.
I just love this one of her.
The only picture of Sofia and I that was taken.
My parents.
The only picture taken of us. Some random person took it....don't Sofia look excited to be in the picture with us:) We are not even in focus, but who cares.
She looks a little happier here.
View when we were on the way back from the beach.
One of the beaches we visited.
My happy girl!!
This always make her laugh:)
Checking emails while on one of the stops.
Our boat...any yes it was crazy windy:) My hair was blowing in all directions.
Straw purse someone made for Sofia.
First stop on the trip.
A walk with my mom.
Posted by Anette at 7:07 PM 1 comments
Sofia loves this fury rug I use for newborn's at times. She was begging to sit on it and read her book so I let her. She's so seriously while reading and I have no idea why shew as holding the book up so high:)
Posted by Anette at 4:13 PM 0 comments
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