365 days........

of living, laughing and learning

Sunday, November 14, 2010

459. Love....

I had Maurice come with me for about 15 minutes on Friday to test out some lighting and to take some pictures of Sofia and I. I'm just one of those people that don't love to be in pictures and I'm never feeling ready for them. I have realized that if I keep waiting to the day I'm ready for them I'm going to be waiting forever:) Even though my hair is dirty, I need highlights done, I have no makeup on, it's kind of a bad angle for my a$$ in one of them I still love these. I ended up with so many of us that I love and I will share them, but I'm holding on to them for a little bit in case my Christmas card picture doesn't work out next Saturday and i will have to use some of these for that. Anyway, here's a few of us that I love!!!


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