331. Weeds.....
I am a big fan of weeds...You might not be, but here's an example how they can look good. If I would have gotten eye contact they would've been better, but his is what I got:)
I am a big fan of weeds...You might not be, but here's an example how they can look good. If I would have gotten eye contact they would've been better, but his is what I got:)
Posted by Anette at 7:22 PM
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Love the dress! We have the same one. You got to love Target. :)
Me too!! I went to a birthday party yesterday and one of my other friends little girl have the same dress as well...it's very popular:)
Love me some pretty weeds...where did you find these? Out in Shelby Co. there are a ton of random fields. I don't have the guts to go ask anyone if I can use them though.
Natalie...this one is not very pretty and it's not even a field...not even close:) That's what's cool about photography, if you just position yourself right and have good light anything can look gorgeous. I'll post the pullback from this "field" which is just the end of a lot that's not been built on yet:) I bet you have a lot of pretty fields is shelby co. It's always tricky when you don't know if anyone would mind you using their property. We should get together one day and meet and take some pictures. It might be fun!!
I would love that!
I get out of work when school end for the year and I have about 1.5 weeks then before my parents come and I will have lots of time then, or I'm here all july (when my parents leave) and we can do it then. Let's make it happen:)
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