265. Christmas tree competition...
We had our Christmas tree competition yesterday and I had so much fun. There were 3 tree's in the completions and I already posted mine a few days ago so I'm not going to post the same picture of again.
Here's Kristine's tree. I think her tree photographed the best. It looks perfect in the picture!!! I love how the slow shutter speed makes it look like a painting. Here is the kids with the tree (missing one of them). Obviously it's exposed for the tree and with a slow shutter speed the kids are not going to look good, but I still like it.
Here's heather's tree. She is going for the old fashion color light "look" and the picture does not do her tree justice. It was much harder to get a good picture of her lights, but it was really really pretty.
Here is mine again, but this time it's a different look since I already did one looking like the ones above.
Here's the trophy. I actually got it because of the clean look. I don't think I deserved to win it and when we discussed the tree's I think that we decided that if we could have combined elements from each tree we could have made one perfect one...Kristine's train, Heather's tree (it was really tall) and my decorations.
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