365 days........

of living, laughing and learning

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Today we got visitors.......

Emma came with her mamma, Lidija and her daddy, Igor.

Emma is getting so big. She is loosing her baby face and getting a toddler face.

I posted bw and color so you could see both. I know that the color one has some issues and I tried to fix it but I couldn't. Maybe one day I will be great at skin colors.
Hopefully next time you come the weather will be better and we will eat on time. Hope Emma behaved on the way home.


907igor May 3, 2009 at 10:15 PM  

Hey I can leave comments now!

I had a great time, and the food was great too. It was very interesting with the rain and all, and Emma had a nice long nap once we got home. No worries, we cannot control the weather and besides I am glad we got to see you longer

Emma's color photo turned out so good. We do not have any picture that lookes even close to that color. You did a good job and will need to show me your secrets next time. Nikon makes the colors really interesting, I would say maybe not as realistic but really dramatic and cool

Hope to see you soon

Anette May 4, 2009 at 7:34 AM  

The Nikon color cannot be that different from the Canon color. Tonight I can e-mail you the raw file how it came out of the camera only cropped, wb tweaks (and you know my secret to that he, he) and possibly some boost in exposure (I can't remember) so you can see how the picture came out in camera with nothing done in Photoshop. If you have a picture with a similar crop of Emma with only the same things done to it as I did at home you can e-mail it to me so I can see for myself:) This might not be a good example for how the colors differ since there are so few colors in the picture, but maybe we can see skin color differences.

907igor May 4, 2009 at 8:47 AM  

Yes, sure, send me that please just to see what I can do with the raw file, but really the thing we need to do is to actually take the photo at the same time and place, I'll go to 50mm focal length and you stop it down to 2.8 and then exchange RAWs to see the difference. I really like the photo though

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