365 days........

of living, laughing and learning

Thursday, December 6, 2012

535. Playing....

Sofia was home from daycare today because she'd been up a lot last night and wasn't feeling her best. She got to wear her PJ's the whole day while playing and hanging out with me. She slept late, relaxed, played, and I got a lot of love:)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

534. Baking....

We took these when we were baking a cake for Sofia's birthday this fall. I think baking is one of her favorite things to do...she's excited every time. She decorated the whole cake alone and she thought it looked awesome when finished.... thought so too:)   

533. Perfect.....

We had an awesome weekend. My parents visited and we cooked thanksgiving food on Saturday. It was hectic there for a while, but so worth it in the end.
Then today, we went to a Christmas festival at a local school. We got to see a play, make ginger bread cookies and fish for surprises.

I actually just found this old picture of Sofia from last thanksgiving and I had to post it because I love her laughter in it.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Arg, I just deleted the last post I made and I can't figure out how to get it back....typical me. I guess I will do another 532 instead then.

It's clementine season in Norway. They are super popular here....much more popular than what they were in Alabama. I guess that means that Christmas is near:) Sofia loves them and can probably eat 3 of them at a time.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

531. Sunday morning...

Relaxing...... (ISO 4000 and 5000)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

530. Halloween....

We definitely celebrated Halloween yesterday and it was so much fun to see how excited Sofia was. She is such an awesome trick or treater and went to a million houses last night. She was in heaven:) She was a Minni Mouse cheerleader and picked out her own costume over a month go...and yes, we have tried it on so many times while waiting for the big day:) Henry, Jake and Mia came over to be with us too.

I also got to say that I have no clue what I am doing while shooting on paper....none what so ever:) I never use it and I really don't know why I have two rolls of paper home...such a waste. At least I got to use it today. the picture were taken at different times during the afternoon so the light is kind of different. I'm choosing to over look that. Also, I didn't realize that there pretty much is no editing needed when shooting on paper....wow, that made everything so fast and easy.

I really should even out the background a little in the next two pictures...it looks pretty bad, but I just don't feel like it. This is how the background looked sooc.

Henry was cracking me up. He did not want to have his paper taken unless he got a sucker. This is how he looked at first, then....

This is how he looked when he got the sucker. How cute is he?

Mia was the most adorable ladybug ever.

And here's the scary pirate, Jake.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

529. Looking....

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